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Mario will contact you.
Information about your business
QUICK and EASY steps
To list your business in the mini plus® business section.
Step 1
- Fill in this form.
- Mario will contact you at your preferred day and time.
Step 2
- Confirm your transaction with Mario by appointment or by telephone.
Step 3
- When confirmed then all appropriate documents will then be sent to you by mail with a return envelope.
Step 4
- Send back the document signed with your payment.

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All possible efforts have been made to ensure the authenticity and veracity of the information contained in the mini plus® phone book. However, MagnéTOUCH media inc. will not accept any responsibility in the event of errors, omissions, losses or damages. MagnéTOUCH media inc. is not liable for defamation or copyright infringement or trademark infringement, passing off or acts of unfair competition arising from material that has been transmitted or received.